June 21, 2009 journal, A nation living in fear, not Iran but the American people live in fear of their government. They do not live in fear of the terrorists. I have just received and began to read the book entitled The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Needless to say he had a hard time finding a publisher because people fear true facts especially from dictators like Bush/Cheney. He says during war truth is the first casualty. The book is written by Vincent Bugliosi California lawyer and he has been a prosecutor. There are 3 things people need to learn and get straight before their politics or theology can be correct. 1-19 hijackers did not take out the towers, it was the Cheney gang along with the present modern state of Edomite Israel. 2-The history of the Zionist Bank Lord's. 3-Aggression on foreign countries is wrong killing innocent men women and children be they Christian or heather. This is murder and against the law of man and God universally. The 4th thing of course is to know the real name of Christ and God as one divine being. The 1 billion plus Arab people mostly Muslim consider America to be the international terrorists and we have proven that to be to them having shed their blood in the millions. The History channel showed Teddy Roosevelt started a war in the Panama Canal area to steal it from Columbia South America and formed the Republic of Panama all so the U.S. could build a canal at the beginning of the 20th-century which is now operated by the Chinese government. Roosevelt reasoning was we needed ships to go East & West sea ports in time of war. That idea was OK but how he got there was not at all legitimate. The coward killing of John Dillinger by the FBI in Chicago in 1934 is out gangstering the gangsters and making heroes out of murderers who could have captured him easily. The same is true for Waco and Ruby Ridge. The FBI ambush killings has continued to today. Not only are politicians guilty of war crimes our money has blood on it from a way back. The new stimulus money is busy at work day and night tearing up really good asphalt on Pleasantburg Drive creating a traffic nightmare disaster so a few dollars will trickle down from very rich asphalt paving companies to those few minimum wage imported workers. http://www.stevequayle.com/News.alert/09_Money/090617.hammer.drops.html If you wanna see the state of our economy go to Van Huston shirt outlet where they have mens shirt's made of cotton 100% for $8 and begging you to buy anything in the store. I have asked several friends knowledgeable in economics when the end will come to this failing economy. I have just received a forward from a friend written by an Oregonian who addresses the issue straight forward saying that by next month in July California will impose on state, county and city levels, that East Los Angeles will look like Baghdad. I must say that the last time I went through there it already looked destroyed like Baghdad. 20 years ago South West Houston looked like the war zone of Lebanon. Most all major cities in the U.S. look like disaster and we are beginning to look like a disaster also here. New Orleans Katrina was a model of what will likely happen to the United States overall. Iran today in its turmoil is another likely picture of what the USA will be like tomorrow. The above article says that Chinese students laughed at the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner when he was over there recently telling them the US dollar currency is safe. From the Times Examiner writer Mr. Sheen Sheen wisdom-"Not every family is blessed by having a Great Oracle of Wisdom such as myself in their midst, but my family is lucky. I am always ready to dispense Advice and Instruction whenever I'm asked for it, and often when I'm not asked! (Isn't that nice of me?) And although my Vast Talents occasionally go unappreciated by my thankless family, I have no doubt that you will appreciate the tips get homeschooling and childrearing that I, the Homeschooled Oracle, have to offer. I share these Fabulous Tidbits out of my store of Personal Experiences, Personal Observations, and from the Stock of Truisms I learned from my Venerated Parents" (He sounds like the real me)